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24 Festive New Christmas Traditions to Start This Year


Updated: Nov 23, 2020

This is a totally new type of Christmas, and it's put a lot of our normal traditions on hold. Whilst that can feel sad, it's also an opportunity to begin new traditions, so here are 24 festive new traditions to start this year;

1. Matching Family Pyjamas

This is the Christmas to go all-out, and what's more classically festive

than matching pyjamas?

2. Have a Film Day

Put together a list of Christmas films- try to make it a mix of old favourites and ones you haven't seen yet- and spend a day finishing as many as you can.

3. Make Reindeer Food

Start with oatmeal and add coloured glitter, sprinkles, chocolate chips and anything else you can think of before leaving it out for the reindeer. For added fun, use bird-friendly products and leave it outside for the 'reindeer' to eat.

4. Reindeer in Here

If your kids aren't fans of having an elf spying on them, the idea of having a cuddly reindeer instead is much cuter, and it's something they can keep and play with year-round.

Buy new or personalised ornaments for each member of the family every year, so that when you go to decorate your tree you'll be reminded of all of the great Christmases you've had together.

6. North Pole Breakfast

Usher in the festive season with a Christmas-themed breakfast. Go wild with festive food and hot chocolate and then spend the day putting up decorations, or taking a winter walk, or watching Christmas films.

7. Try Socially Distant Carolling

One of a few traditional festive activities that can actually be done outdoors and six feet apart- take your household or support bubble and go spread some cheer! Plus, you could always collect for the NHS while you're doing it.

8. Letter in an Ornament

Find an ornament with space inside and write a sweet note for a partner or child.

9. Christmas Eve Box

Put together a little box of presents to exchange with your kids on Christmas Eve- add in things like chocolate, Christmas films or pyjamas to get them excited for the next day.

10. Pick Out A Tree Together

This is the best way to kick off the season- try combining it with writing letters to Santa or the Polar Bear Breakfast for added fun.

11. Find an Excuse to Dress Up

This could be literally anything- carolling, Polar Bear Breakfast, picking out ornaments- it's all more fun when you dress up for the occasion.

12. Hold a Cookie Swap

In lieu of actually seeing your extended family, have a cookie swap- bake a batch of cookies and drop them off for your family members, and wait to see what you get back in return. To make this especially fun for the kids, consider personalised baking sets like these.

13. Reverse Advent Calendar

If you feel that Christmas is too focused on receiving, this might be the idea you're looking for; alongside a regular advent calendar, have an empty calendar or box where you put a donation in every day to be donated to the vulnerable.

14. Have an Acts Of Kindness Competition

Split into teams and see how many nice things you can do in one day- winners get a prize!

15. Leave Shoes Out for St Nick

In parts of Europe it's traditional to leave your shoes out on St Nick's Day so that he can fill them with sweets- just make sure the sweets are wrapped!

16. 'Growing' Candy Canes

Ask your kids to plant a mint in a tub of sugar, and tell them to wait. In a few days, replace the mint with a candy cane, and watch your kids marvel at growing their own candy cane.

17. Make Some Ornaments

Take whatever you have lying around and turn it into something beautiful for the tree.

18. Gingerbread House

Whilst this is a classic, it's also not something a lot of people have had time for- right now is the perfect time to bring it back. For a twist, try splitting your family into two teams and seeing who's comes out better.

19. Sleep Under the Tree

Not for Christmas Eve, but kids will love the opportunity to have a 'sleepover' under the tree.

20. See the Christmas Lights

A great socially-distant family trip is to go and wander around the city nearest you after it gets dark and admire the Christmas lights.

21. Take Photos!

Capture your Christmas by getting a friend or family member to take some pictures of your family- get creative and have fun with costumes and props.

22. Come Up With 24 Acts of Kindness

A great way to encourage empathy at Christmas is to write an advent calendar full of acts of kindness to do over the holiday season- pay someone a compliment, or donate to charity, or even just check in with a friend.

23. Make a Festive Pizza!

Use anything you'd like- traditional festive pizza involves stuffing, but you could add whichever toppings you'd like and just make the pizza tree-shaped.

24. Read a Story Together

Pick any traditional Christmas story you'd like, but we particularly love this personalised 'The Night Before Christmas'.

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