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Buying for Teachers? Here's How to Get It Right


If you have family or friends who work in schools, you'll probably be aware that the end of the term for them means getting gifted an absolutely insane amount of wine and chocolate. Whilst very few people would turn down wine and chocolate, and it's the thought that counts, if you have a teacher particularly close to your heart you might feel like you want to get them something that stands out. Here are some great ideas that teachers will love.

1. Stationery

This is a great one if you don't know the teacher super well- teachers tend to use up a lot of stationery marking papers and planning lessons, so they'll always appreciate a good bit of stationery, and you can be sure it's something that'll see lots of use and remind them of you.

2. Books for the Classroom

This is a great one for if you're buying presents as a class group or collection or for the school as a whole rather than for one teacher specifically. It will take some strain off of the school and keep the selection of books interesting for the kids.

3. Artificial Plants

Any teacher will tell you that real plants are a no for the classroom- too much potential for mess and too difficult to take home over the breaks,but artificial plants add some greenery and life to the classroom.

4. Teacher Tote Bag

This is one of those items that they'll get a lot of use out of, and which will remind them of you and your thoughtfulness every time.

5. Bath Salts

This is a perfect gift for anyone who works in a profession that requires them to spend all day on their feet, and it shows that you understand how stressful and tiring teaching can be.

6. Subscription Gifts

These are gifts that literally keep on giving. If you order the first box to your home and then gift it, lots of services will allow the recipient to change the address (check with individual suppliers to make sure that this applies).

This is a really well-curated box of things that will make your teacher smile, from skincare to chocolate and beyond.

This is a great subscription to order to school if you'd like to thank all the staff. They'll really appreciate the pick-me-up each month.

7. Beer Tasting Set

This is one of those great all-round presents that virtually any teacher will appreciate, and that will definitely see lots of use.

8. Personalised Blue Plaque

Especially good for history teachers, this plaque lets them know how much you appreciate their hard work and will really liven up the classroom! It's also a great keepsake that they'll be able to keep for a really long time.

9. Don't Forget Cards!

The last thing you'll need is a nice card, either on your own behalf or for the whole class to sign.

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